
정신장애와 인권 '파도손'
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    (EN & *Spoiler Alert:) Qiong Wang's All about My Sisters (2021) - Pt 1…

    페이지 정보

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    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 860회   작성일Date 23-08-30 10:01


    Original: https://icarusfilms.com/df-allab

    I do think the world is yet far from releasing itself from traumas of the past, let alone stigmas targeted at specific individuals. ...One does not need to look at the conditions of the developing countries, especially in terms of poverty. Children's brains go bad, women are raped in the streets at night. US is not that different in that term. What a conflicted state of being, this human society is....

    Gender discrimination is one of them. If it starts from family, so much so was the case. I still remember this Korean woman from EBS documentary channel who was years older than me crying in front of camera during therapy because her grandmother only gave her chicken legs, while she gave her brother the meat when she was young. ..If that still applies true for most of the families, Asia should still be a very gloomy culture for its native inhabitants to be authentically happy in - aside from all the crimes done against women in that community.


    The only place one feels truly oneself is where one's family lies at. Sure, the experience with such a family might be traumatic, or could be that of total bliss. The earth's, and the human world's condition was that everywhere you go everyone had a different take and experience around it. It is not "simple" as European residents doing their happy traditional folk culture thing in their land while us minor societies suffer from ills begotten from past. A French boy killing his father because he was a pedophile - a news I read years ago. A real life "adult-baby" in the remote region of South Asia who's biologically destined to never grow up at all. IT HAPPENS!!!


    I really have a horrid sense of organizing my thoughts in a way it makes sense till this day it seems. Regardless.

    In the story Jin is portrayed as almost like a free-spirited, but struggling someone for obvious reasons. She is someone who not only looks fit & pretty, but wears pretty skirts constantly while taking care of her only son with her husband.

    ..But she is not perfect. Even though she is highly retaliative and comparably brave-spirited, that cannot stop her breaking down at times, such as when her parents doesn't give the medical bills that she needs when she's fallen sick - to the very daughter that they orphaned when she was an infant - when China's One Child Policy was strong and everyone was poor.

    She scolds her only child in a maddened voice. "Why are you here?!" "Why do you make my life miserable?" ..Which negatively or not very much reminds me of my own mother when she was upset with me.

    Dir. Qiong portrays her younger sister's plight in a highly subtle as well as tolerant tone - yet with a persistent voice, such as questioning her family members' responsibility for their actions toward Jin. Of which character & personality only true sisters can possibly emanate & portray. ...

    <To be Continued>



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